Our goal is to search for the right expert and executive personalities for your company, to hire and retain them:
We want you to design the future of your company even more successfully. Together, we will find the right path!

Who suits your company’s requirements and structures? In order to find and verify optimum candidates for you, we work with an established method – supplemented by modern instruments.

  • Direct contact in the market | Executive search
    We contact potential candidates actively, directly and personally. In this discussion, we check their abilities and skills for the vacant position, as well as compatibility with your expectations and goals. Only then do we provide an according recommendation.
  • Networking
    We offer you access to an exclusive, high quality network with contacts we have maintained for many years – which we expand constantly.
  • Internal and external databanks
    We use existing data pools for a targeted search for the right profile.
  • Social-Media
    Besides classic recruiting tools, social networks provide us with access to new and interesting candidates.
  • Advertisements (internet or print)

Ulrich Schiedlauske, Diplom-Betriebswirt

+49 (0) 41 85 - 79 25 65

+49 (0) 171 - 284 84 87