Whenever you need to acquire excellent experts and executives for your company, we are happy to assist. Rely on our solid expertise (Course of study: Business Administration majoring in Human Resources) as well as our long years of experience in personnel consulting and executive search.
We are also a personal contact partner for executives and highly qualified experts who are searching for new, challenging tasks.
Ulrich Schiedlauske, Diplom-Betriebswirt
+49 (0) 41 85 - 79 25 65
+49 (0) 171 - 284 84 87
Our strengths: The direct contact in the market!
- Personal and according to your needs:
We offer direct consultation, in a personal discussion and without detours. Your individual needs always take centre stage. - Always on an equal footing:
Thanks to our many years of market presence and successful activities for many renowned companies, we speak your language. - Direct, but discrete:
As we rely on directly approaching potential candidates as well as a comprehensive network of personal contacts, we always maintain total discretion for our customers. - Care and clarity:
Thanks to our structured approach we work in a targeted, efficient and successful manner!
Our aspiration: We are the spear tip for your personnel department!
We have a long-lasting partnership with most of our customers.
We attain this through intensive cooperation, through our professionalism with our approach – and, last but not least, through enduring and high-quality recruitments.
Our range of experience, our independence and flexibility as well as an optimum organisational structure makes it possible for us to be active on your behalf in a variety of sectors and various functions.
At the same time, we have solid expertise and skills in the following
main focus sectors:
- Industry | Mechanical engineering | Plant construction
- Retail
- IT | Office-solutions
Moreover, we include our expertise in special functional areas in our consultation:
- After sales service | Customer service
- Production | Logistics
- Marketing | Sales
Our candidates are qualified experts and executives with corresponding professional experience.